2014 grantees
- Alive and Kicking Theatre Company, Leeds, £1,500
- Barnsley Churches Drop-in, £2,500
- Boaz Trust, Manchester, £2,500
- Bradford Community Environmental Project, (http://www.bcep.org.uk) £,4000
- Bradford Community RePaint, £2,500
- Calderdale Youth for Christ, £2,000
- Campaign Bootcamp, London, £1,500
- Carbon Trade Watch, Barcelona, £3,000
- Cathedral Archer Project, £2,500
- Connect Housing, Huddersfield, £1,000
- The Creative Society, London, £2,000
- e:merge, Bradford, £2,000
- Future First, £1,150
- Gipton Methodists, Leeds, £10,587 (exceptional grant due to family association)
- Harrogate and Ripon CVS, £1,718
- Haven House Project, Sheffield, £3,000
- Hinge Centre, Bridlington, £2,000
- Home-Start Craven, £2,000
- Kiveton Park Independent Advice Centre, Sheffield, £,2000
- Landmark Centre, Bradford, £2,500
- Leeds Personal Support Unit, £3,000
- Leeds Women's Aid, £2,500
- London Roots Collective, £4,000
- Medsin, £4,000
- Northern Refugee Centre, Sheffield, £2,000
- Old Library Group, Cornholme, £2,500
- One to One Children's Fund, S. Africa, £,3000
- Ottringham Computer Club, Hull, £650
- Public Law Project, London, £5,000
- Purple Patch Arts, Bradford, £3,400
- Ryedale CAB, £1,000
- Scientists for Global Responsibility, £2,000
- Sobriety Project, Goole, £1,000
- Sports 4 Socialisation, Zimbabwe, £1,600
- Stamp Out Poverty, £5,000
- Strawberry Fields Training, Lancaster, £2,000
- SUST, Sheffield, £1,700
- VisionOntv, Swansea, £2,500
2013 grantees
2012 grantees
2011 grantees
2010 grantees
2008-2009 grantees
2006-2007 grantees