Before you apply
- check that your general aims and what you specifically propose to do meet the Trust’s funding criteria outlined here;
- consider whether the amount you are requesting falls within the normal size of grants made by the Trust outlined here
- check that you can satisfy the Trust's deadlines: the directors meet three times a year - in March, July and November - and Stage 1 registrations forms must be submitted by 14 January, 14 May or 14 September respectively.
- It is a condition of all grants given that the Trust receives a report back about how the grant was spent immediately after the grant is spent or at the end of the grant year, whichever is sooner.
The application process
All applications are considered in two stages:
- Stage 2 - if trustees are interested in your proposal, they will ask you to submit a full application which should meet the detailed requirements explained below.
There is no standard application form and applicants are asked to submit:
- Up to four A4 pages setting out your proposal;
- A full budget for the project;
- Your most recent audited annual accounts or an up-to-date statement of income & expenditure (if only recently formed)
There is no need to re-submit your Stage1 registration form
In the exceptional case of an application from an individual with proven experience or skill in their chosen field the application must be accompanied by your CV with details of your current employment, relevant skills and experience and names of two referees.
Applicants may contact the administrator, preferably by email,
- Applications should be sent to the Trust's administrator at
- Applicants may contact the administrator by email for any clarification.
Applicants may contact the administrator, preferably by email, for any clarification.
The administrator will acknowledge receipt of each stage of your application by email. If you don’t receive these acknowledgements, it’s likely your communication hasn’t been received and you are advised to contact the administrator again.
No further notification will be given, except to successful applicants. If you haven’t heard from the administrator by the end of the following March, July or November, as appropriate, you must assume your application was unsuccessful
Writing your proposal
Applicants are expected to provide a complete description and explanation of their project and organisation. It is not helpful to refer to other sources of information, such as websites, as trustees will not see them.
You should attempt to answer the following questions:
What is the purpose of your application?
The application should begin with a brief summary (just a paragraph), explaining what you want to do and how much funding you require.
Who are you?
You should tell us clearly and succinctly about your organisation. It is helpful to mention when the organisation was founded, its size, legal status, who is on the board or steering group and what are its guiding objectives and primary activities.
In assessing the merits of the proposal, we will consider whether you have the capacity and skills to undertake the work. It would be helpful to include details of any recent related work and achievements.
What do you want to do?
This is the main part of your application and should set out the work for which you are requesting a grant. The key points to address are:
- give a clear description of what you want to do and what you hope to achieve;
- detail the timescale for the work that you are proposing – when it will begin and how long it will take;
- explain why you want to do this work and why you feel it is worth doing now;
- give an account of any other organisation(s) working in the same general field and whether you see scope for cooperation;
- show that no one else is tackling this particular issue, or, if they are, that extra work is needed;
- set out what impact you expect your work to have, detailing key outcomes, and, if appropriate, how you plan to ensure that the lessons learnt from your work will be passed on to others.
Why are you applying to the Trust?
t is important to make a case for coming to the Trust as opposed to another source of funding. The Andrew Wainwright Reform Trust is not a charitable trust and has limited funds available to make grants. It is likely to give priority to applications for work that is ineligible for charitable funding.
How much will it cost?
You are asked above to include with the application a budget for the proposed project. Your written proposal should explain how you have ensured this represents good value for money. Ask for what you need, but be realistic. If the grant you are seeking from the Trust will not cover the whole cost of the project you must explain where the rest of the funding will come from and how much, if any, has already been secured.
Once a grant has been given
It is a condition of the grant that:
- any proposed change in use of a grant should be notified to the administrator for trustees’ approval before change is enacted; and
- a report is provided between 12 and 15 months after the grant was made, and:
- trustees expect that evaluation and reporting should be included in the planning of your project;
- grantees should not wait to be reminded about sending a report back;
- reports should begin by stating the amount awarded and when the grant started.
Re-applications will not be considered:
- within 12 months of any previous application, whether successful or not; nor
- before trustees have received a report back on any previous grant by the Trust.
If you choose to re-apply, you should:
- submit a full application as if trustees have never heard of you before; and
- include details of any previous applications to the Trust, whether successful or not.